Here it is first day of autumn and I failed to reach my goal of completing 'The Stand'. It was not a solid goal, just one I thought I could easily achieve. The reason... boredom... speedier bathroom time... other books caught my interest... oh, yeah and LIFE happens.
I love Stephen Kings writing, it is wonderful and well thought out. His characters and their developments are fantastic. But, alas Mr. King, your writing tends to get very long winded. I have so many books of his I want to read, but then find myself chagrined by their length. It's just that it's quite a commitment of my precious time and parts of his books drag and I get bored. I still have half of 'The Stand' left. I don't know when I'll get back to it.
I had to put Sookie on the back burner as well. I started book eight around May-ish. Then 'True Blood' Season three started and that was the end of that. Now the season over :( (and wow, that was fast! Summer is really over, isn't it?) I think the books were feeling a bit stale. I'm going to hold out on those until I really need a fix.
The House of Night series became a new passion. I didn't fall in love with these like I did Twilight, not even close. BUT, I really do like the idea and now that I'm seven deep into the series, there is a lot more plot and backbone. The story lines have gotten a bit more in depth. I was getting a little annoyed with the teenage back chatter. I'm almost embarrassed to read all this YA stuff.
I feel like I'm in a book rut. I want out of the YA book trap. I want more. Nothing since 'The Gargoyle' has really gotten to me on such a deep level. I need something...wait for it...LEGENDARY!