Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Sad little Keanu

Thank you Shapeways... Now YOU too can own your very own sad little Keanu figurine. Why you ask? Well, I don't have an answer as to why YOU would want want one. But for me, I have an undying love and devotion that needed to be satisfied with my own little Keanu that I could carry around in my pocket.

If you aren't familiar with the 'sad Keanu' meme, here is a photo with my very own sad Keanu sitting beside him.

Thus begins our photo journey to happiness and enlightenment.

We went to the beach. The sunshine would do him well for sure.


I took him to the happiest place on earth. Nothing.  Mickey and the gang weren't helping by calling out requests for Bill & Ted dialogue.

This one was my fault. I tried scare tactics. Sad Keanu fears nothing.

This is where I like to go when I'm feeling blue. Alas, it didn't have the same affect on poor Keanu.

....poor, poor sad Keanu

I told him it was June, that it would never work...but it was sad Keanu's only request. My heart broke for him as he sat there motionless.

All sad Keanu wanted to do was see Santa. :/

Monday, March 11, 2013


I have a new love in my life. A little show called "The Walking Dead" on A&E.

I remember now why I tend to watch shows after they are completed. Now I have to wait each week for a new episode along with everyone else in the world. ::sigh::

After the birth of my second son, anything apocolyptic or scary in any way was not an option. My hormones and brain chemistry were in no shape to deal with death or anything remotely upsetting. Now, I have the good people at Pfizer to thank for a little drug called Zoloft. ::thumbs up!::

Is it wrong that I laugh when a growling zombie latches on to an unsuspecting human, eating and slirping at the marrow? The grossness and brutality level of this show is way up there. I love it!

This show reminds me of LOST, a lot. I have a feeling there will be so much more to this "disease" than we could ever imagine.

I haven't completely caught up yet but will soon (today...). Once I finish I will post again, I'll try not to add any spoilers unless noted for those who haven't stumbled into the zombie apocolypse yet.