Well, almost a year later than everyone else, I made it to the series finale of LOST. It was really hard getting information about the show without finding out the ending, but I sort of did it.
Around season four I accidentally stumbled upon an article stating that the survivors were actually dead all along. Though super upset by this ... not so much the information but the fact that I'd been "spoiled" by the outcome, I just kind of waited for it. Much like the death of Charlie in season three... I knew it was going to happen, I just had to brace myself for it.
Now, having finished it and knowing that wasn't the case at all, I think the ending was fantastic! I'm actually happy I read so many blogs and articles saying how badly they thought it ended. My answer to them is "apparently you didn't get it." I am sorry for that. Yeah, there are questions left unanswered but that's ok. Nothing huge was left open ended. That of course is my opinion and many many many people will tirelessly disagree.
OK OK -- so I do have a few minor gripes. I think one of my biggest nit picks about the ending was if Sayid spent his life trying to be with Nadia... why would Shannon end up being his soulmate? Sure they had a little island romance and for the sake of the storyline it did work. Is it because it was Jack's interpretation? Because he never knew Nadia but he knew Shannon? I don't like that answer either though because Jack wasn't even around when Hurley and Boone orchestrated the little fight scene that had Sayid and Shannon "find eachother". Honestly, if that's my biggest gripe... the show ended damn near perfectly.
I never understood the whole alternate universe thing and finding out that it was a sort of limbo for everyone to find eachother and move on was, for me, easier to grasp than any other answer would have been. I loved it. My husband did not and was confused and annnoyed. Even after I explained as best I could my own personal interpretation he still felt it was, and I quote, "Crap". Oh well... sucks being an athiest, huh?
Being the nerd that I am, I had to go and buy the official LOST Encyclopedia. I am reading it cover to cover, word for word, illustration by illustration. "I have looked into the eye of this island and what I saw... was beautiful".
For those of you who would like a little more Lost to gnaw on, this book is great at answering some questions about those who left the island and survived. For example, I learned that a seventeen year old distraught and confused Walt ends up at the Santa Rosa mental facility and soon after is brought back to the island by Hurley to be in the place where he should be. I like that, Walt was left with no one and no answers.
Hmmm, that does bring me to an unanswered question though, what were his special powers? Is he meant to work for Hurley and Ben and use his special gift in some way? OK, I do have questions, how could I not? Only, I'm satisfied with that. There are too many people that are / were seriously pissed off and felt as if they were cheated and wasted six years of their lives. That is absurd. It could be so much worse. Imagine ending up in 1977!? Working for Dharma!? OK -- that would be kinda cool.
Take it or leave it - the show is over what we know is what we know. We are free to come up with our own answers and interpretations. Have fun with it. I do. I've actually gone back to the beginning. It's fun to watch again after knowing what I know. I am able to pick up on so many little details I definitely would have overlooked the first time around.
Yeah, I'm pretty sad it's over though. I'm in search for my new "Lost", so far to no avail. I don't know if I'll ever find anything that captured my heart (and attention span) as much as this show. Candidates? Even when thinking of newer things, Lost references are constantly on the brain. sheesh.
I wonder how hard it is to get stranded on an island these days? Just let me pack a few things... I'm on my way!
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