My name is Laura and this is my first blog...ever.
I always feel as though I have so much to say, but of course, at the moment I just want to play and customize... It feels a lot like before the start of a school year, I want to play with all my new colorful school supplies before I actually get to work. Yes, I was (am) a dork.
I suppose I need an outlet. I love to write and haven't kept a diary of sorts in years. If you happen upon this, good for you. You've won nothing, by the way.
I won't be sending out invites. This is more for me than you, but, if for some reason you do find this and want to comment on anything, please do. I am always looking for friends to share common interests. OR someone to yell at other than my husband. ;)
Here it is 2010... I feel like I am tapping into some new technology, I am always behind. I didn't get the original NES until 1991. I JUST starting using Windows Media Player. I suppose I'll get around to my first iPod later on in the decade.
I look forward to un(up)loading my crap unto the world wide web, there is so much garbage floating around here anyway, what's one more mundane, uninspiring set of musings?
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