Thursday, March 4, 2010

Without Google... I'd be stupid.

What the hell did I do before google??
I've always considered myself intelligent (enough). Fine, I have a lot of useless information floating around up there. I'm sure if you took a peek at my brain, after scraping the bong resin, you'd find some important information that has been gathered and stored in my almost 30 years on this planet. I'm no nuclear physicist or anything like that, but I have basic worldly knowledge (maybe...).

Why now do I constantly second guess myself? I know the answer, I Google it anyway and for a brief moment feel satisfaction at the idea that I am as smart as Google. I always could spell, but now I have to double check. I know how to get to the next town over, but I map it anyway. Because I can? The information super highway constantly at my fingertips. I'm not asking any age old questions here, its not even an original musing, by far. But really, why? Why are we so dependant on it?

Greetings and Salutations!

My name is Laura and this is my first blog...ever.

I always feel as though I have so much to say, but of course, at the moment I just want to play and customize... It feels a lot like before the start of a school year, I want to play with all my new colorful school supplies before I actually get to work. Yes, I was (am) a dork.

I suppose I need an outlet. I love to write and haven't kept a diary of sorts in years. If you happen upon this, good for you. You've won nothing, by the way.
I won't be sending out invites. This is more for me than you, but, if for some reason you do find this and want to comment on anything, please do. I am always looking for friends to share common interests. OR someone to yell at other than my husband. ;)

Here it is 2010... I feel like I am tapping into some new technology, I am always behind. I didn't get the original NES until 1991. I JUST starting using Windows Media Player. I suppose I'll get around to my first iPod later on in the decade.
I look forward to un(up)loading my crap unto the world wide web, there is so much garbage floating around here anyway, what's one more mundane, uninspiring set of musings?