Thursday, September 23, 2010

The book blah's...

Here it is first day of autumn and I failed to reach my goal of completing 'The Stand'. It was not a solid goal, just one I thought I could easily achieve. The reason... boredom... speedier bathroom time... other books caught my interest... oh, yeah and LIFE happens.

I love Stephen Kings writing, it is wonderful and well thought out. His characters and their developments are fantastic. But, alas Mr. King, your writing tends to get very long winded. I have so many books of his I want to read, but then find myself chagrined by their length. It's just that it's quite a commitment of my precious time and parts of his books drag and I get bored. I still have half of 'The Stand' left. I don't know when I'll get back to it.

I had to put Sookie on the back burner as well. I started book eight around May-ish. Then 'True Blood' Season three started and that was the end of that. Now the season over :( (and wow, that was fast! Summer is really over, isn't it?) I think the books were feeling a bit stale. I'm going to hold out on those until I really need a fix.

The House of Night series became a new passion. I didn't fall in love with these like I did Twilight, not even close. BUT, I really do like the idea and now that I'm seven deep into the series, there is a lot more plot and backbone. The story lines have gotten a bit more in depth. I was getting a little annoyed with the teenage back chatter. I'm almost embarrassed to read all this YA stuff.

I feel like I'm in a book rut. I want out of the YA book trap. I want more. Nothing since 'The Gargoyle' has really gotten to me on such a deep level. I need something...wait for it...LEGENDARY!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Bathroom Reading... Let's talk about that, shall we?

What started as commonly as doing laundry, I started reading Steven King's "The Stand". I started reading it in the bathroom. I know this because most books I start are in there, a lifelong habit started by my grandmother while potty training. I've moved on from my counting book and have since added quite a few classics to my repertoire of bathroom reading.

I have read entire books... in the bathroom. Not in one sitting, mind you. No pun intended. I read an average of five different books at a time. I keep one at work, one next to the bed, one in the living room, one in my purse... and one in the bathroom.

I started "The Stand" three months ago and have managed to digest over 400 pages of its beefy 1100 plus pages. I think I can finish it by the end of the summer at this pace. Not bad! Some people don't finish it in a year. I will have it read in half that time... in the bathroom!

Now, in my defense I am a pretty fast reader and, apparently, a lot faster than my colon. I don't know if I should be proud of these accomplishments, but in some weird (very weird) way, I am. Forget magazines and newspapers... small time. I'm on to novels.

My consummations aren't so widely received by those in my tight circle. It is a habit not understood by those nearest and dearest, yet, other than my husband, they all knew my grandmother was the same way... only she did 'circle a word' puzzles.

Other than just habit, I think a lot of it has to do with the privacy. I could go in the bathroom at any time and it was the one place I wouldn't be disturbed... until I had my son of course. Occasionally, you'd hear a voice on the other side of the door, wondering if I'd "fallen in". Most people answer "be right out." I finish that sentence "...after this chapter."

What's "gross" about it? I mean everybody poops. Why not have something to do while you're doing it. I mean really, if I don't have a book, I find myself looking for images in the tiles. You have to do something. Then there are those who say "I just go in and do what I have to do and get out." I say to that... well how nice for you to have the ability to take care of business in such a speedy manner. Others need some coaxing.

In conclusion, there was no need for me to share this, but a goal is a goal. I will finish Steven King's full unedited version of "The Stand" and I am going to do it all in the bathroom before summers end.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bueller Me...

I'm 30. I made it. I'm okay with it too. I think. It's weird though. It is. Different.

The most surreal thing about it is the sheer realization of just how fast life truly passes you by. It's no big news that I'm a movie junkie and some of my greatest memories are wrapped in some of my favorites.

Since we are on the subject of birthdays, Sixteen Candles comes to mind. This Hughes classic came out in 1984. I was four. Like most movies of this time, I watched it for the first time at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Home Box Office was THE SHIT then, what's Netflix?

To a five year old, sixteen seems forever away. Samantha always seemed so much older to me. Now, I'm 30...that movie is 26 years old! My brother is 26!

I need to do more with my life. Make memories, have more experiences. I need to take a day off, see a game, go to a museum, get snooty with a maitre d. Maybe even sing Twist & Shout on a big float during a parade.

Life moves pretty fast. You don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


So here I am lost once again in the fantastic world of Twilight. I'm on book four, Breaking Dawn... Charlie is on his way over to the Cullen house to see his newly vamped daughter and grandaughter Nessie... meal time. HAHA... it's not that sort of book. I for one enjoy a happy ending... one where none of the good guys die or are hurt and everyone lives peacefully and happily ever after... well, until the Volturi show up.

I'm in full out Vampire mode again. I'm on book 8 of the Sookie Stackhouse Southern Vampire series as well. Sookie is awesome. I would actually prefer to be more like her than Bella. Though, I have a better shot as Bella, considering the clumsiness and crying spells. I would be a sweet ass vampire, though I think all the cool powers have been spoken for. Mine will be lame, like knowing the bleak futures of B list actors.

Monday, May 3, 2010

I'll Follow the Sun

I'm in a really good mood today. I have no idea why. Maybe it's the rain, maybe I had a really relaxing weekend. Maybe it's because Tom and I went two whole days without wanting to kill each other. I don't know.

About an hour has passed since I wrote that little bit above and in that time I found out I got a 2K raise! I'll take it... :)
How's that for a cake topper!

Twenty four days or so until the move. The raise couldn't have come at a better time. I can't wait to move. I can't even say that there is so much to do anymore. Tom has been a machine, most everything is packed. Neatly and uber organized. I never could have done such a great job. On the other hand, he loses points because he packed my cork screw. Why would he do that?? When I asked him about it, for some odd reason he thought I was referring to my vibrator. Hmmmm.... I mean I guess I can see where the confusion set in. Maybe...

My 30th birthday is next week. Surprisingly it's seeming to bother me less and less as I get closer. It's really been weighing on me. The feeling is as old and cliche as it can get, you're too old to be young, too young to be old. Where do you fit in? I realize I am totally out of my element when I see teenagers with all their technology (Oh my God, listen to me!) I don't want to be a part of that.

Moving is helping a lot. Having a house of your own is a very grown up thing. What are the pre-requisites? I'm married, I have a kid, decent job... am I a grown up? When will I know? When Ryan is a little older and tells me I'm "such a dork".... much like Bob and I do to our mother, maybe it will set in. I hope I will always be cool to him... highly doubtful but I'd like to keep that dream alive for as long as I can.

Maybe thirty won't be so bad after all.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Marlboro man has never looked so sexy...

So I quit smoking cigarettes... again. I need to stick to it this time but it's taking a toll on my overall attitude and usual sweetness. (Well maybe that was an exaggeration, I'm not all that sweet.)

I want one so bad. I want more coffee too, but I'd hate to have a repeat of yesterday. I woke up with chest pains. That can't be good.

I made another cup of coffee... we'll see how it goes.

It's not that I even smoke a lot. I never did. Depends on the day too. I could go a whole day without, it's the not having any that gets me. I'm like that with the Gange too. On a normal day I smoke like four cigarettes... FOUR! Dad says if he could have smoked the way I did he never would have quit... that's complimentary to the fact that I have will power right? Probably not, but if I justify it that way it makes me feel like my habit is more of an occasional method of stress release.

I quit for four years but started again a little over a year ago. Wow, I think that was actually the first time I admitted that I started again, habitually. I hate the way it makes me feel in the morning, I hate the hacking cough, mostly I hate listening to my mom telling me I stink. I hate the smell too, don't get me wrong. But, every once in a while when I take that step outside, away from everyone, by myself, I revel in those five little minutes. Stink and all. Could I go outside and just breathe the fresh air. Would I need a lollipop? Maybe at the new house I'll take up gardening or something. I've always wanted to. I can focus on that instead of stinky, expensive cigarettes.

Who am I kidding? Those five wonderful menthol minutes are fabulous. Fuck, I want a cigarette.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Caffeine Lows

I've had too many cups of coffee today. I feel like I'm tripping out... but not in the fun way... it's the "my insides are itchy and I have to rip them out" trip. Not cool. I am so high strung to begin with. Now I feel constantly 10 feet ahead of myself. Unfortunately it's actually fucking with my productivity and my A.D.D. is getting the better of me. Fuck!

Everything I listen to is fucking with me too. Poison was okay, but that was before the coffee kicked in. I have since tried Jerry Lee, Muse, Huey Lewis, Men at Work, Beyonce... I've seemed to settle on Katy Perry and I'm cool with it thus far. We'll see once I get to "Waking Up in Vegas" even Perry herself must be sick of that song by now.

I remember once I had a shitty trip and I tried to go to bed watching tv. Don't ever try to go to sleep to Labyrinth when you're tripping balls on liquid acid... *Shivers*

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Celebrate... ME!

Today is Administrative Assistants Appreciation Day. I didn't get a card, flowers, no fan fare, not even an acknowledgment. I asked my dad why this is... "you have a job" he answered. Apparently that's recognition enough.

I cannot complain about my job. Not really anyway. I do, of course. Work sucks. I would much rather be shopping, laying on a beach, or just home watching tv right now. In todays economy, I am fortunate to have a job, and a really good one at that. I have a lot of benefits and based on the fact that I don't have my degree and I live in middle class suburbia, I make pretty decent money.

I do however, work for and with my parents. I see them every day... that can take it's toll. I don't take sick days. Even when I was pregnant! I just took my first personal day ever last week and ended up coming in later in the day and working saturday too, to make up for it. I can't call in sick and fake a cold. My boss is my mom, she knows all my tricks!

If I were to look for a job somewhere else, I wouldnt have the pay, the flexibility of making my shedule (I usually amble on in around 10:30 / 11am), the benefits, my hour long coffee breaks with Bob and forget karaoke! I mean, at every job you get moderate fuck off time, but I have mastered the art of making myself look incredibly busy, not to mention important! All due to the simple fact that I understand computers more than my parents. I am a major asset. I AM the IT department. Should I be happy that I just realized that I am even more of a nerd than I thought I was?

Fuck it, "I'm a nerd...and uh, I'm pretty proud if it."

Happy Administrative Assistants Appreciation Day. If you are appreciated today, good for you. I'm appreciated by default because it's just wrong not to appreciate your children. Another benefit of my job. Rock on!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I heart Justin Bieber...

I went home for 4:20... ;)

He reminds me of Gavin Degraw, awwww... sweet memories. I'm almost 30 and here I am at my desk smiling as I hum along to the prepubescent silken voice that IS Justin Bieber. Yum.... I mean, awww. I have to stop smoking my lunch, it's clouding my judgement.

Apparently though, I am not the only woman to feel this way. I am referring, of course, to the brilliant Tina Fey. That SNL skit was perfect.

Yay, I get to home soon. Wiiiiiiiiiiiii

Did you know dolphins are just gay sharks?

Okay, so I'm a week behind, which is like years in pop culture. Glee is back and last weeks premiere was uber excellente! Tonight....oooh Madonna night, I'm getting chills already!! ;)

I'm a self professed Gleek... and damn proud of it. Since the April 15th deadline has come and gone and things have finally, kind sorta, gotten a bit slower, I was able to get a few much needed moments of Myspace Karaoke. I wasn't getting into it, like I usually do, but it was still fun nonetheless. It may have been Bob who put a damper on my fun when he knocked my go at Pat Benetars "Hit me with your best shot"... oh well. Can't win 'em all. He's a tough critic anyhow. Ass pirate.

So what else is new and exciting!? Hmmmm...well we are getting ready for the big move. It's still over a month away, but Tom has been really going at it. The entire attic is now packed and neatly organized into the garage. There is still lots to be done and if I can just stop shopping for the new place and get to packing, I think Tom and I may get back on track together. I know I have my period, but I could swear he has his too... at least it seems to be the end. Jesus! What a bitch!

We got a Wii. :) I've wanted one for a while but when I got an email last week letting me know that its now compatible with Netflix for streaming... I jumped all over that. I was going to buy another darling Roku anyway... now I can game too! It's a lot of fun. More so than I originally thought. I'm so old school, but the control at least looks some what like the original NES control. I was hoping to get some active play out of this. I really enjoyed the golf and bowling and after the first few days of having it I totally felt an ache in my muscles. However, I have since realized you can play without being all technical, ie standing. Even I have managed to turn something thats meant to get me off my ass into a couch sport. Fuck, I play better too. Golfing with an over hand swing goes much farther!

And a happy 4-20 to all the stoners. May the clouds part only long enough to find the lighter.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I'm a big fan of the talkies

In an earlier blog... I don't know if I will ever get over saying that word, blog. It sounds like vomit or an std. Appropriate actually, I'm spewing chunks of my boring little life and putting it out there like a cheap hooker. Ergo, the STD part.

Anyway... Earlier I brought up my love affair with Netflix but I failed to mention it's bodied companion, my beloved Roku. How life changed the moment I saw my own personal movie and TV library before my eyes and with the simple click of a button on my cute little Roku remote, I leave my livingroom along with my reality and go to my favorite places.

Roku, Roku, Roku, I even love the little "boop" you hear as your selections glide past you on the screen. Ah, If I could spend a week just completely left alone with nothing to do but watch TV and have Chinese Food it would make me so happy. I think if people actually could have a personal heaven, that would be mine. I guess my personal hell would be finally getting to sit down and watch tv only to find nothing works and I'm eternally waiting for my Chinese delivery. Balls!

Now, don't think that all I do is sit around and watch tv. It couldn't be farther from the truth. I don't watch anything until around 9pm when Ryan is asleep and Tom and I have had our dinner. It's MY time. No obligations, no one needs me for anything. I never was one to really 'go out'. I hate Clubs and the few times I did go didn't exactly leave me with the best of memories... not to mention a funny taste in my mouth.

I like to chill at my house, I like the comfort and familiarity of my surroundings. Even before the pot I've always led a more sedentary lifestyle. As a kid when I was demanded to go out and play I'd find a tree shaded area and read. I try to pretend like I want to be one of those outdoorsy types, but in reality, I'm not that girl. I hate bugs and too much sun. And camping or hiking?? Fugghetabouditt! Give me my tree and a book. Maybe a tall glass of lemonade and some cookies too! That's how I want to be outside.

My brother and I are very much alike that way. Our greatest childhood memories are those being at our grandparents house. Our terf, the family room, where we watched thousands of hours of tv, is a place we hold dear to our hearts. Woodstock '94 was there for us. We were 14 and 10. We couldn't go, but we camped out and watched the whole thing live on MTV.

If a particular movie comes up in conversation, and we watched it there, we know it. More times than not, these movies are more closely guarded, because we saw it there. Most of the movies that I consider my absolute faves were watched there, in multitudes! Revenge of the Nerds, Sixteen Candles, National Lampoons Vacation, Clueless, Just one of the Guys, the list goes on and on.

My love for television is something I have undoubtedly passed on to my son. Oh, glorious day, when he realizes there is so much more out there than SpongeBob Squarepants!

Random Thursday Nonsense

I had a hard time sleeping last night. I don't know if it was the fan making the blinds hit the wall, my thermal nightgown causing night sweats, or just worry in general. Probably a little of the three.

I just have this impending feeling of dread, like something bad is going to happen at any moment. Karma is ready to strike, part of me feels like I don't deserve to move into a beautiful house. I do though. Maybe I've been watching too much "My Name is Earl". I don't know.

Maybe it's because my craving for pretzels and chocolate are starting to surface.
That's probably it.

Our new landlord already cashed our security deposit. He sure didn't waste any time. He probably wanted to make sure we were good for it. Little does he know I had to borrow money from mamacita to pay it. We get a phatty refund this year. I'm spending it on stuff for the new house and throwing about 2K in the bank for savings. Vacation will be here before we know it and it will be harder to save after we move.

I cannot wait to move. It still seems so far away, I guess it's really not though. Only 6 weeks or so. We didn't even start packing yet. I reserved a U-Haul yesterday and got info from TWC about switching everything over. I thought about getting cable in our bedroom. I think I'd be better of with another Roku. I watched actual television for the first time in a while the other night. We have like 800 channels and of course, as I flipped to each channel, a commercial was on.

I did settle on "Celebrity Fit Club" followed with some "Sober House with Dr Drew". I was sucked in, don't get me wrong. I actually started to have a tiny bit of respect for Kevin Federline. I always root for the chubbies.
I have a weakness for reality television. I used to be a junkie. Getting that taste, made me yearn for some "Flavor of Love" or "The Real World". I'm old school.

We got a new HD Box for our HD TV at TWC yesterday. Wow, what a difference! I actually enjoyed watching a UFC fight last night. With high definition, you can really see the blood spray. Sweet right!?

I'm really into 'Dead Like Me' and the 'X Files' at the moment. I'm watching DLM for the second time around. It's such a great show. It's a shame it was only on two seasons. That movie they made afterwards to sort of tie up some loose ends was really a let down. So much could be done with the premise. Hey, I wonder if there are any DLM books. I should check that out.

I've only seen, I beleive 3 seasons of The X Files, all out of order. Aliens scare the bejesus out of me, but the idea is so intriguing. I want to know all I can about them but I really, really don't want to be abducted, probed, or tested. Please leave me be and find a po dunk white man out in Texas or something. Thanks!

I bought the first season after Christmas and low and behold the entire series is now available for streaming on Netflix. Do you hear angels?? Maybe little green men? I don't know, but it makes me happy.

Netflix is the greatest thing ever. The Roku beating it only by a little because I really need both. I swear Bob and I came up with this idea like twenty years ago, but whatever, someone materialized it. Kudos to them!! =]

I have no idea how this went from my night sweats to Netflix, but that's how I roll.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spaghetti and Nuts

Tom doesn't like most pastas... To me it seems the Ronzoni people make one dough then place it in different machines to make the different types. Linguine, angel hair, rotini, penne, spaghetti, you name it. Like the play dough fun factory. He swears they taste different. I think he's nuts. Then again, I won't eat spiral mac 'n cheese.

Is it weird that I love chocolate and pretzels, but NOT chocolate covered pretzels? Every once in a while, every four weeks or so to be more specific, I get a Hershey bar (the big sucker) and a bowl of pretzels and just go to town, enjoying the way the chocolate is all soft and mushy then popping in a pretzel at just the right moment....ah perfection.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Without Google... I'd be stupid.

What the hell did I do before google??
I've always considered myself intelligent (enough). Fine, I have a lot of useless information floating around up there. I'm sure if you took a peek at my brain, after scraping the bong resin, you'd find some important information that has been gathered and stored in my almost 30 years on this planet. I'm no nuclear physicist or anything like that, but I have basic worldly knowledge (maybe...).

Why now do I constantly second guess myself? I know the answer, I Google it anyway and for a brief moment feel satisfaction at the idea that I am as smart as Google. I always could spell, but now I have to double check. I know how to get to the next town over, but I map it anyway. Because I can? The information super highway constantly at my fingertips. I'm not asking any age old questions here, its not even an original musing, by far. But really, why? Why are we so dependant on it?

Greetings and Salutations!

My name is Laura and this is my first blog...ever.

I always feel as though I have so much to say, but of course, at the moment I just want to play and customize... It feels a lot like before the start of a school year, I want to play with all my new colorful school supplies before I actually get to work. Yes, I was (am) a dork.

I suppose I need an outlet. I love to write and haven't kept a diary of sorts in years. If you happen upon this, good for you. You've won nothing, by the way.
I won't be sending out invites. This is more for me than you, but, if for some reason you do find this and want to comment on anything, please do. I am always looking for friends to share common interests. OR someone to yell at other than my husband. ;)

Here it is 2010... I feel like I am tapping into some new technology, I am always behind. I didn't get the original NES until 1991. I JUST starting using Windows Media Player. I suppose I'll get around to my first iPod later on in the decade.
I look forward to un(up)loading my crap unto the world wide web, there is so much garbage floating around here anyway, what's one more mundane, uninspiring set of musings?