Today is Administrative Assistants Appreciation Day. I didn't get a card, flowers, no fan fare, not even an acknowledgment. I asked my dad why this is... "you have a job" he answered. Apparently that's recognition enough.
I cannot complain about my job. Not really anyway. I do, of course. Work sucks. I would much rather be shopping, laying on a beach, or just home watching tv right now. In todays economy, I am fortunate to have a job, and a really good one at that. I have a lot of benefits and based on the fact that I don't have my degree and I live in middle class suburbia, I make pretty decent money.
I do however, work for and with my parents. I see them every day... that can take it's toll. I don't take sick days. Even when I was pregnant! I just took my first personal day ever last week and ended up coming in later in the day and working saturday too, to make up for it. I can't call in sick and fake a cold. My boss is my mom, she knows all my tricks!
If I were to look for a job somewhere else, I wouldnt have the pay, the flexibility of making my shedule (I usually amble on in around 10:30 / 11am), the benefits, my hour long coffee breaks with Bob and forget karaoke! I mean, at every job you get moderate fuck off time, but I have mastered the art of making myself look incredibly busy, not to mention important! All due to the simple fact that I understand computers more than my parents. I am a major asset. I AM the IT department. Should I be happy that I just realized that I am even more of a nerd than I thought I was?
Fuck it, "I'm a nerd...and uh, I'm pretty proud if it."
Happy Administrative Assistants Appreciation Day. If you are appreciated today, good for you. I'm appreciated by default because it's just wrong not to appreciate your children. Another benefit of my job. Rock on!
For the record... I haven't been able to "amble in around 10:30 /11" in close to a year. Not since the little one started school. I couldn't go back to that schedule now if I wanted to. I don't particularly like waking up at seven in the morning... but it's worth it.
ReplyDeleteThinking back on the days I would stay up all night and sleep past noon, I don't miss it in the least. Now, by 11 at night I'm ready to go to bed with my italian ice (not a euphamism for my sexy husband -- he's actually german-- I'm talking about the cold lemon treat )and more than content to do so. I guess it's part of the growing up process?