I had a hard time sleeping last night. I don't know if it was the fan making the blinds hit the wall, my thermal nightgown causing night sweats, or just worry in general. Probably a little of the three.
I just have this impending feeling of dread, like something bad is going to happen at any moment. Karma is ready to strike, part of me feels like I don't deserve to move into a beautiful house. I do though. Maybe I've been watching too much "My Name is Earl". I don't know.
Maybe it's because my craving for pretzels and chocolate are starting to surface.
That's probably it.
Our new landlord already cashed our security deposit. He sure didn't waste any time. He probably wanted to make sure we were good for it. Little does he know I had to borrow money from mamacita to pay it. We get a phatty refund this year. I'm spending it on stuff for the new house and throwing about 2K in the bank for savings. Vacation will be here before we know it and it will be harder to save after we move.
I cannot wait to move. It still seems so far away, I guess it's really not though. Only 6 weeks or so. We didn't even start packing yet. I reserved a U-Haul yesterday and got info from TWC about switching everything over. I thought about getting cable in our bedroom. I think I'd be better of with another Roku. I watched actual television for the first time in a while the other night. We have like 800 channels and of course, as I flipped to each channel, a commercial was on.
I did settle on "Celebrity Fit Club" followed with some "Sober House with Dr Drew". I was sucked in, don't get me wrong. I actually started to have a tiny bit of respect for Kevin Federline. I always root for the chubbies.
I have a weakness for reality television. I used to be a junkie. Getting that taste, made me yearn for some "Flavor of Love" or "The Real World". I'm old school.
We got a new HD Box for our HD TV at TWC yesterday. Wow, what a difference! I actually enjoyed watching a UFC fight last night. With high definition, you can really see the blood spray. Sweet right!?
I'm really into 'Dead Like Me' and the 'X Files' at the moment. I'm watching DLM for the second time around. It's such a great show. It's a shame it was only on two seasons. That movie they made afterwards to sort of tie up some loose ends was really a let down. So much could be done with the premise. Hey, I wonder if there are any DLM books. I should check that out.
I've only seen, I beleive 3 seasons of The X Files, all out of order. Aliens scare the bejesus out of me, but the idea is so intriguing. I want to know all I can about them but I really, really don't want to be abducted, probed, or tested. Please leave me be and find a po dunk white man out in Texas or something. Thanks!
I bought the first season after Christmas and low and behold the entire series is now available for streaming on Netflix. Do you hear angels?? Maybe little green men? I don't know, but it makes me happy.
Netflix is the greatest thing ever. The Roku beating it only by a little because I really need both. I swear Bob and I came up with this idea like twenty years ago, but whatever, someone materialized it. Kudos to them!! =]
I have no idea how this went from my night sweats to Netflix, but that's how I roll.
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